Wahabi NOURI

Wir stellen Ihnen alle 24 Kandidaten des wichtigsten Kochwettbewerb der Welt, dem Bocuse d’or (23.-24. Januar 2007) vor. Hier der Kandidat aus Deutschland, Wahabi Nouri. (englisch)

Restaurant Le Piment, Hambourg
1990 : Chef at the Bamberger Reiter in Berlin
1991 : Chef at the Swarzwaldstuben in Baierbronn
1992 : Chef at the Aubergine Restaurant in Munich
1993 – 1999: Chef Kofler gastronomie
Since 2000: Le Piment, in Hambourg

First Steps in cooking

Following his brother into becoming a chef, Wahabi Nouri spent
3 years at Catering College in order to learn basic techniques.
He then increased his experience, by taking a new position
every year or every two years. Each establishment gave him the
chance to mix with talented chefs such as Franz Renneburger,
Harald Wohfart, or Eckert Witzigmann.
So many mentors allowed the German candidate to reach his
goal : since 2000, he is the owner of his own restaurant in
Hamburg : Le Piment

Training for the „Bocuse d’Or“

At the end of January in Lyon, Wahabi Nouri knows what to expect : two years
ago, he was already wearing Germany’s colours in Lyon. „For me, it was a tremendous
experience,“ he remembers.
For 2007 the German chef expects to train by rehearsing his recipes as much
as possible, and especially, serving his customers, every day.

Outside the Kitchen

When he is not cooking, Wahabi Nouri likes to visit famous restaurants and
spend time with his son.

Between us…

The candidate speaks
German and Moroccan.
What his mother thinks of
his cooking :
„She is proud of me,
because she sees some
of her own tricks in my
If he was a product,
he would be…
„a lean duck, because
you wouldn’t eat me“

His commis

His assistant commis will be Hannes Graurock.

Wahabi Nouri works with CHROMA type 301 knives.

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