Wir stellen Ihnen alle 24 Kandidaten des wichtigsten Kochwettbewerb der Welt, dem Bocuse d’or (23.-24. Januar 2007) vor. Hier der Kandidat aus Mexiko, David Hernandez.(englisch)

L’Olivier, Mexico City
1992-1993 : Commis at The Fish Market restaurant
1996-2000 : Cuisinier at the Club de Industriales
2000- 2001 : Grill Chef, “ au Pied de cochon “ restaurant, at the hotel
Presidente Intercontinental
Since 2001 : Chef de cuisine at L’Olivier restaurant

In the beginning…

David Hernandez‘ career as a cook started at the age of eight
when, through sheer bad luck, his mother fell ill and as the eldest
child he had to prepare the family meals.
Then, eight years later, needing to earn money, he was taken on
as a waiter in a fish restaurant.
Since then he has steadily climbed the rungs of his career ladder,
always looking to improve himself via training courses and

Preparation for the Bocuse d’Or

In preparing for the Bocuse d’Or, David Hernandez is supported by his chef,
Olivier Lombard. If this candidate feels stressed about participating for the first
time, he is not, however, a complete novice to competitions, having entered
several in the past.
Moreover, he was commis to the Mexican candidate in 1997 and 1999. So he
is fully aware of the pressure and is looking forward to enjoying the heat and
competitive spirit that will abound in Lyon.

Outside the kitchen

Before his marriage, David Hernandez used to love cycling along the beaches
or visiting small towns near Mexico City.
Today, father to two-year old Zarek, he spends all his free time with his family.

Between us…

The candidate speaks
Spanish and French
What his mother thinks of
his cooking:
“ At first, she didn’t like
me going away. Now
that she sees I’m successful,
she is happy and
proud of me. “
If he were a utensil,
he would be…
“ a burner “ as it’s permanently
burning away,
ready to help the cook.“

His commis

Miguel Angel Trujillo has been the Commis de cuisine at the l’Olivier for two years. Passionate about his
work, he is impatient to meet chefs from other countries and discover their cultures. He is also looking forward
to the fever of the competition and to taking giant steps in his career.

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