Hangzhou: Einziges Tee-Museum in China

Hangzhou beheimatet nicht nur das einzige Tee-Museum Chinas, sondern auch das einzige Museum für traditionelle chinesische Medizin. Nachdem er alles über Chinas Teegeschichte und -kultur gelernt hat, kann sich der Besucher in der 4.000 Quadratmeter großen Hu Qingyu´s Halle stärker wirksamen Mitteln zuwenden und einen traditionellen Mediziner konsultieren, seine eigene Medizin entsprechend dem traditionellen Heilwissen zusammenstellen lassen, qualitativ hochwertige, traditionelle chinesische Heilmittel erwerben und im „Medical Restaurant“ sogar gesundheitsfördernd dinieren.

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2 Antworten auf „Hangzhou: Einziges Tee-Museum in China“

  1. Hello there,

    I would like to offer an exchange of links between your website and ours, which have excellent Google rankings.
    If you find such a proposal interesting then please send me details of your sites.
    However, if you are not interested please accept my apologies for taking your time.

    Attention! We can write an article for you to place there. We’ll write this article specially for you to fit in the theme of your website, and in exchange we ask only for attribution in the form of a link from the article to our site or sites as the authors. If you’d like more information, just reply to this mail.

    Best regards,
    Lidia Sadlowski


  2. Hello there,

    I would like to offer an exchange of links between your website and ours, which have excellent Google rankings.
    If you find such a proposal interesting then please send me details of your sites.
    However, if you are not interested please accept my apologies for taking your time.

    Attention! We can write an article for you to place there. We’ll write this article specially for you to fit in the theme of your website, and in exchange we ask only for attribution in the form of a link from the article to our site or sites as the authors. If you’d like more information, just reply to this mail.

    Best regards,
    Lidia Sadlowski


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